
Thursday, October 23, 2008

Whats in your wallet?

Whats In Your Wallet?

1: various discount cards and ids
2: picture of me and rachel
3: about 3.75 in change
4: a duck hunt button from ryan0mega
5: a bracelet rachel made me
6: cologne samples
7: alot of string

whats in your wallet ??


Aussie said...

I made a blog showing my wallet. yours is more interesting though. I like the surplus of string ha


Anonymous said...

i have cheese in my wallet!
by the way it would be "rachel and i"

improper english!!

.e said...

You have inspired me to share with others, 'what is hanging from string, from my roof'.

Thank you oh all inspiring one.

M.SNAP / EMMA said...
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M.SNAP / EMMA said...

In my wallet...



$3.20 change
House key, locker key
Receipt for $146.90 at the vet (I DON'T HAVE ANY PETS!?!?)
My public library card
My friend's public library card (I ran up fines on mine so I borrowed hers and ran up even bigger fines)
A cafe receipt for six hot chocolates (and that was only half the order)
Eftpos card
Student ID
My New Zealand restricted drivers license (the pretty yellow one)
School photocopy card
Card with my details in case I lose my wallet (with Durer's rhinocerous woodcut on the back)


... All housed in the once pretty, now tatty paper wallet I made but haven't had time to replace since it ripped...

My wallet is a mystical place indeed

Anonymous said...

heyhey, don't listen to that other anonymous person, they're wrong. "i" is subjective and the sentence calls for the subjective "me." paha ignorant folks...

Anonymous said...

*objective me. whoops