So the other day my mom got this step counter in a pack of crystal light and she gave it to me. Im not really into health and fitness that much so i wasn't sure what to do with it. Eventually i found something i could do with it. Im the kind of guy who move around alot when i sleep. I figgured i could attach this little dudad to my ankle when i went to bed and when i woke up i could find out how much i moved around and how many steps that would be like.
So i attached it to my ankle as i readied for bed. I tried not to make to many movements before getting into bed so that i could get an acurate reading when i woke up.
When i woke up i discoved that i took 9 steps in my sleep.. or atleast moved my foot enough to have the counter say 9 steps. I then took 9 steps away from my bed to see how far i would have went. It was pretty far. I actually made it to the stairs down the hall from my room.
So now i know that if i was ever to sleep walk i would probably only make it to the stairs.. so im in no real danger of falling down the stairs.
ps i have a new email: feel free to email me!
Well you would have to account for walking back to your bed so you really only took about 4 and a half steps away from your bed and then 4 and a half back again. Hah still pretty far though.
This definitely sounds like something I would do, lol. Except I don't sleep anymore... so nevermind xD
Maybe when I'm done the semester and I can have a life again I will have time for sleep >.<
I think that if you'd sleepwalk, you'd probably want to go to the fridge to make a cheese sandwich but you'd be devastated once you get to the stairs because you wouldn't know how to go down stairs in the dark... while sleeping.
just an interpretation.
That's a really smart idea Matt!
That's the most random thing I have ever seen you come up with...I think. Hahaha. You're just amazing. I wonder what the world would be like if everyone thought like you did.
AAAAAAHHHHH!!!!! I still love u. :D
gah my uncle almost died sleep walking...NAKED :O haha.... set up a buzzer lazzer or something that makes noises!! if you were to walk in yo sleep
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