These are animals that i have found and named along my travels .(click pictures to make them bigger)

This cat was in some trees in a gully, which was part of somebodys backyard.. i think we named it

This was a dog wandering by a creek. Its owner was following it but secretly i claimed it and named it. I named it Blacky.

This was a cat we found one day well walking to mini golf. I do believe we named it Pancho. We hung out with it for about 45 minutes to try and find it a home.

This mouse kind of snuck up on us well we were walking. Im not sure if its a mouse or a mole.. because its eyes are closed and you know the saying about moles.. there blind... so i just wasnt sure but i will call it a mouse. I think we named it Squeek .
many animals were harmed in the making of this post
ahh those are super cutee:)
yay for wandering animals
aww cute a baby mouse! i caught one and kept it as a pet one time
that is one fat's almost as big as my grandma's over sized feline.
I like how the golden retriever was named Blacky. mixmasterfluff is also a pretty epic name.
haha love the name mixmasterfluff :D
lol i love the name blacky for the golden retreiver XD
your gf is pretttyyy :D
that is definitely a mole!
that is a big ass cat.
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